Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Being creative is the ability to recognize one own ideas and not afraid to explore. Creativity is standing-out from many and make difference. Creativity is empowering others. Creativity is originality, innovation, individuality, imagination etc. Bill Gate and his partner Paul Allen redefined software industry by building the world largest software "Microsoft" .  Steve Jobs revitalized, made significant and positive impact in information technology by inventing Apple; in 2003/2004, Mark Zuckerberg changed how the entire world socialize by launching Facebook; thanks for their ideas and innovations. Without any doubt, yes we can say that new media has really helped foster creativity because they provide a kind of platform that helps users/individuals to create, share or even customize contents. From real life to virtual world,  social media, online gaming, eBooks, podcast, miracast, airplay; new technology such as internet, www, and web 2.0 have really made creativity possible because they are designed for user-generated innovation. According to New York times article..Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers by CLAIRE CAIN MILLER  "Technology companies have been the most active in relying on others to innovate for them. This is in large part because the Internet lets people exchange ideas easily and rapidly with large groups, and computing tools let people design new products cheaply."

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