Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Creativity and New Media

Like I mentioned in my previous blog, technology such as internet, www, and web 2.0 have really made creativity possible for new media because they are designed for user-generated innovation. So basically what I did in order to experience virtual world, was to first create my own username "dortmund323", select my avatar and I chose to explore the Social Island. For those of us who play games, we might not really see much difference;  however, the most intriguing part of it, is the fact that I was able to customize certain things like selecting people to chat with, my destination etc..Also, I met couple of new friends on the Island. Still on "user-generated innovation", as user, I was able to create and customize content in a way that soothes me unlike the regular games where everything is predefined. Below pictures depicts my experience with virtual world while exploring the unknown Island.

My SecondLife "dortmund323"


  1. This is so coll. I loved this. Was this your first time in Secondlife? How was that experience, was it weird?

    1. Yes it was my first time... it wasn't that strange to me because sometimes I do play video games. The only thing I like about it, is the fact that I can create my own Avatar customized with my name; that I really like
